Procurement Lounge
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Partners, Help Us Complete the Form Below
We are in the middle of establishing indicators for Phase 2 of Health Sector Policy Support Program. For this purpose we need help from project partners, especially the LGUs, in collecting data to complete the form below (these are for Trust Fund Provinces):
The European Commission-Technical Assistance PFM Team requests audited figures for these matrices except for 2009, some of which still pend with the Commission on Audit. Allotment data can be used in lieu of appropriation.
Pre-testers Wanted: TNA for Procurement
The Training Needs Analysis for Procurement is now on pretest. We invite those who are involved in procurement activities to participate in this survey. We particularly need the following as survey respondents: For LGUs--BAC members, BAC TWG members, BAC Secretariat, Administrative Officers, and HRMOs; for DBM ROs--PS Staff, Procurement Trainors, Procurement Specialists, etc.
This short survey aims to determine which capacity building aid is most appropriate for officials and staff members of partner agencies involved in procurement activities of the Health Sector Policy Support Program. Your candid responses to the questions below will help us achieve that purpose, and will be highly appreciated. Your survey responses will be strictly confidential and data from this research will be reported only in the aggregate. Your information will be coded and will remain confidential. Please contact us at 0920-915-8368 or by email at if you have comments or questions. Your taking part in these surveys will be highly appreciated.
Kindly click the following to start taking the surveys:
For LGUs
This short survey aims to determine which capacity building aid is most appropriate for officials and staff members of partner agencies involved in procurement activities of the Health Sector Policy Support Program. Your candid responses to the questions below will help us achieve that purpose, and will be highly appreciated. Your survey responses will be strictly confidential and data from this research will be reported only in the aggregate. Your information will be coded and will remain confidential. Please contact us at 0920-915-8368 or by email at if you have comments or questions. Your taking part in these surveys will be highly appreciated.
Kindly click the following to start taking the surveys:
For LGUs
Draft Design for HSPSP2 Roadmap Workshop
Rationale and objective
The LGU PFM component under the HSPSP has over the last years carried out a number of activities on strengthening the 16 selected LGUs’ PFM. This has been done in terms of assisting the LGUs in drafting individual PFM improvement plans and subsequent annual PFM work plans. The improvement and work plans subsequently served as the basis for key interventions where the majority of provinces have identified similar needs (e.g. M&E, ICS/IAS, procurement) and for province specific interventions (revenue generation, procurement, reporting, etc).
The HSPSP phase one is coming to an end by end 2010 and the DBM has in principle decided that it will play a more significant role in monitoring and supporting the LGUs in their PFM performance through the ROs.
Since the EC TA is carrying out a number of activities of major significance for LGU PFM in the last half of 2010 it has been decided to benefit from the activities and the experts by having a seminar and training needs assessment for the central key players, the ROs and the 16 LGUs.
As the key to the seminar is the assignment on the road map which will not only set the stage for the seminar but also cover the entire spectrum of the seminar in its final analysis and recommendations.
The seminar will be divided into two separate parts
- The presentation of issues, findings, recommendations (where applicable) and discussions;
- Training needs analysis for the individual components
The following are the areas to be covered during the seminar and TNA:
- Road map/PFMA.
Recognizing that LGU PFM can be improved further and that it needs a road map to accomplish and a nationally developed LGU PFM assessment tool the GOP has decided to develop such instruments.
The purpose is to draft a road map encompassing PFM performance in all LGUs in the Philippines, including establishing a mechanism for strengthening the municipalities PFM performance over time. The road map will not be to adhere to donor requirements, but develop a unique instrument for improving LGU PFM irrespective of funding source or sector and whether recurrent or development expenditure. Draft suggested roles and responsibilities of national oversight agencies (central and regional) in LGU PFM (provinces and municipalities), coordination mechanisms at central and regional level in capacitating ROs on their roles in monitoring and supporting LGU PFM. Development of a LGU PFM assessment tool based on the draft PFMA.
The ICS & IAS is a second phase assignment.
The first phase was to crafting an implementation strategy to strengthen internal control systems in Local Government Units in the Philippines and provide policy recommendations (standards, systems and processes) to DBM for implementation at the local government level and assist EC convergence provinces in strengthening their internal control systems , consistent with the GOP approved Framework and the recommended implementation strategy for strengthening internal control systems. This included the first coaching of the LGUs in establishing IAS.
The second phase is to
1. provide support to the program in crafting case studies on establishing internal audit based on the experiences of five provincial governments. Guidebook on Internal Audit Planning, containing the rationale, processes, and documents pertaining to strategic planning, audit engagement planning, preliminary surveys, audit work program. Guidebook in Applying Internal Audit Tools and Techniques containing the basic internal audit tools and techniques, including control self-assessment as well as the standards on audit evidence and fraud;
2. Establish and/or strengthen Internal Audit Services (IAS) in the context of Internal Control Systems (ICS) of 16 HSPSP Local Government Units. This involves operationalisation of the internal audit units at the LGU level, consistent with the recommended implementation strategy for strengthening internal control systems. Priority shall likewise be placed on the provisions of DBM Circular on the creation of an appropriate structure to set in place the internal audit unit in the subject LGUs.
3. Monitoring and evaluation
The Provinces of Ifugao, Pangasinan and Oriental Mindoro have – in accordance with the implementation arrangements of the HSPSP, which are based on a demand-driven approach – requested for TA for implementing selected parts of their PFM plans. The Provinces seek to revisit and update their existing systems and procedures for monitoring and evaluation (M&E) of project implementation, including training of staff in M&E and identification/purchase of needed equipment for performance of M&E.
At the same time, the DBM is developing an effective government-wide system of monitoring agency performance to provide a sound basis for fiscal planning and expenditure management. To ensure a strong accountability framework in response to the relaxation of controls on inputs (allotments and cash, staffing and compensation) the DBM is implementing the whole of government Financial Accountability and Management Framework (FAAMF). Within this overarching framework, the quest for strong governance arrangements in departments and agencies is being pursued. For local governments, the “budget Operations Manual for Local Government Units (LGUs), 2008 Edition” has been produced that unifies the financial management system in local governments. It provides LGUs with a clear and uniform direction in the management of resources and a common set of tools for Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E).
The objective of the assignment is to secure that M&E systems in the 3 LGUs are drafted and that relevant instruments to support the BOM 2008 and OPIF are developed and approved and that training of key staff of all 16 LGUs in M&E is conducted. Finally a draft generic manual is drafted for adoption.
4. Work plans
As mentioned initially the strategy of the EC TA support is based on the LGU PFM improvement plans and their implementation. An assignment is being carried out to establish the status and impact of the improvement and annual work plans.
More specifically the objective of the assignment is to assist/facilitate the updating, detailing, phasing and prioritizing of the PFM Improvement Plans cum work Plans and Budgets for CY 2010 and come up with specific outputs and indicators that are achievable within the plan-budget period.
The assignment consists of the following steps:
1. Assess performance of the LGUs in CY 2008-2009 using the PFM Work Plan and Budget for the same period as baseline;
2. Establish status of the LGUs’ work plans;
3. Identify issues or risks that hindered accomplishment of objectives in CY-2008-2009. Recommend corrective measures to reduce/eliminate risks in CY 2010;
4. Update/fine-tune the CY 2010 PFM Action Plan/Budgets;
5. Design a monitoring and reporting tool that may be used by LGU and DBM ROs to ensure progress in implementing PFM Improvement Plans.
5. Procurement
The implementation of HSPSP has revealed a number of deficiencies in planning and procurement coupled with delayed release of funds. The inadequate standard technical specifications pose a major bottleneck in implementation. Further, LGU submissions show major differences in costing and contain technical specifications which are not in compliance with DOH instructions. When the LGUs are complying with procurements requirements, they still experience difficulties in timely submission of correct and complete bidding documents resulting in delayed implementation of project activities.
The objective of the EC TA support in this area is to improve LGU procurement implementation and monitor compliance with the prescribed procurement procedures consistent with RA 9184 and WB guidelines.
6. Revenue generation and management
The EC TA has conducted a number of assignments within the last 6 months and has throughout the programme assisted the LGUs in this very important area.
The activities and outcome will be presented at the seminar and the output so far will be shared with the participants.
The participants will be from central, regional and provincial level.
At central level all institutions envisaged to be key in the future coordination of LGU PFM (NEDA, DOF, COA, DILG) will be invited to send 2 participants each. DBM will have 5 participants at this level.
DBM ROs who will play a very important role in the coordination of the LGU PFM improvement and support and monitor LGUs in their performance will each be requested to participate with 4 staff. The technical participants will cover budget, internal controls, M&E and procurement.
LGUs will be requested to participate with 3 staff each. Technical areas to be covered by the participants are budget, M&E and ICS/IAS,
Institution | Number |
DBM | 5 |
COA | 2 |
DOF | 2 |
NEDA | 2 |
DILG | 2 |
EC TA LT | 4 |
EC TA STE (M&E, road map, ICS, WP) | 7 |
ROs | 64 |
LGU | 48 |
TOTAL | 136 |
The outcome of the first part (3 days) of the seminar/workshop is:
- Road map. To present the first findings on the road map, provide the outline and issues to be included in the road map. The participants will also be presented to the PFMA and its potential input to the road map. The participants will have good opportunity to discuss key issues in LGU PFM and the most appropriate coordination mechanism at regional and central level and what role the central PFM entities could play at central and especially at regional level to promote LGU PFM;
- ICS/IAS. The seminar will be presented with the key points of the first phase of the assignment on ICS/IAS and have opportunity to familiarize itself with the key deliverables of phase 2 which is on-going. There will be opportunity to discuss the possible role of DBM in monitoring and supporting ICS/IAS and he ideal role of ICS/IAS at the LGU level.
- M&E. The participants will be presented to the concept of M&E and the usefulness of M&E as a management instrument. The participants will be presented with work done in one of the 3 pilot LGUs and the recommended M&E manual with its tool box. The participants will have the opportunity to discuss the manual and give input to the final outcome of the assignment.
- Workplans. This will be a summary of the findings on the work carried out so far on strengthening LGU PFM. The STE will present findings on the appropriateness of the approach on LGU PFM as it has been conducted and make recommendations on a strategy for future addressing deficiencies in LGU PFM.
- Procurement strengthening activities will be presented by the LT procurement specialist in EC TA. There will be opportunity to discuss RO activities in the area of strengthening LGU procurement.
- Revenue generation. The EC TA specialist will present activities and the participants will have the opportunity to discuss the pertaining problems in revenue generation and management. The seminar participants will be given the material developed by this component under the EC TA LGU PFM
The outcome of the second part of the seminar will be a TNA for the ROs and for key personnel (training of trainers) in the LGUs represented by the present 16 HSPSP LGUs.
Seminar Content
Day 1 | |
Morning | Presentation of the purpose of the road map and work done on the road map and the PFMA |
Afternoon | v Plenary discussion on the road map, identification of essential issues, e.g. coordination and roles of regional offices of central PFM entities to be included in the road map; v Group discussions on essential issues; v Presentation and discussion in plenum |
Day 2 | |
Morning | v M&E will be presented as concept and benefits for provincial administration highlighted. v Presentation of work in pilot(s) and manual v Discussion on manual |
Afternoon | v Group assignments on elements/tools of the manual v Presentations and discussions v Endorsement of manual |
Day 3 | |
Morning | LGU PFM work plan assignment presented and discussed |
Afternoon | v Presentation of work carried out and future prospects on LGU procurement v Presentation of work carried out and future prospects on LGU revenue generation and management |
Day 4 | |
Morning | Introduction to the suggested strategy of the road map with ROs playing the lead role in monitoring and supporting the LGUs and their needs to fulfill that role. Discussion on the issues and lead agencies role and coordination Dividing the seminar into groups:
Afternoon | Group assignments supported by STEs and EC TA |
Day 5 | |
Morning | Reporting from the groups |
Afternoon | Drafting group on TNA for ROs and LGU champions Reporting to plenum and adoption of documents, including TNA |
Day 6 | |
Morning | Available for final approval of documents and departure |
Participants should bring laptops
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